Tuesday, March 29, 2011

I Got My Rock Moves

I love playing Rock Band with my nieces.  It's great fun to see them pretend that they've got rock chick hair and whip it back and forth like James Hetfield (or Willow Smith, in their case).  Of course, they haven't figured out how to work the guitar and whip their hair at the same time, but all in good time.

Last night, the girls showed me a free game site called Playpickle (weird name, right?) that had "Rock Hero 2."  I was curious to see just how similar it was to Rock Band 2.  It was tougher!  You have to use the letters D, F, G, H, and J, which are right in the middle of the keyboard.  It's really easy to hit the wrong keys, as I soon found out.  :P  They were in hysterics when they saw that my score was in the negative thousands!  (I was not so amused.)  They, however, played like pros.

That's alright, I told myself.  I'm still a rock star.  And, unlike my nieces, I got my rock moves.